The Stories We Tell Ourselves
What’s a story you tell yourself over and over that’s just not true?
The first one I can think of is that “I’m not an athlete.” Then I look through my life and see, football, baseball, wrestling, rock-climbing, mountaineering, alpine skiing, telemark skiing, ski-touring, track, marathon, ultramarathons, road races, oh, and almost forgot the years of Karate and Judo.
Managing Energy for Endurance and Mountain Athletes
You can have a huge VO2max, great running economy, process lactate like no one’s business, consume a gazillion calories without an ounce of GI issues, not have a single ache, perfect weather, have a solid taper, and still have a shitty performance in an ultramarathon, not because of anything other than where your mental energy is and has been.
Leadman Training: The Shoulds
Unhooking from the shoulds gets harder and harder when you get tired and fatigued, and you get tired faster when you are tense - it becomes a viscous cycle. Learning to respond and unhook from these unhelpful thoughts when you’re uncomfortable takes work…