The challenge is in responding in a way that is congruent with your values, goals, and aspirations. Responding in a way that includes a growth mindset - the idea that our abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time, as opposed to the idea that our abilities are fixed traits and can’t be changed.
Responding in a way that we see the punch as a challenge, not a threat.
Managing Energy for Endurance and Mountain Athletes
You can have a huge VO2max, great running economy, process lactate like no one’s business, consume a gazillion calories without an ounce of GI issues, not have a single ache, perfect weather, have a solid taper, and still have a shitty performance in an ultramarathon, not because of anything other than where your mental energy is and has been.
You Are Not Mentally Weak
There may be days that you have less than a stellar performance because you may not have had both the physical and mental skills at that moment in time- but there is no ‘mental weakness'